First up is JD, who reports that the Saturn Astra used in the shoot (and seen at UPENN) actually has a twin. One was pre-damaged for a collision with the light pole with a large hole in the windshield and damage on the hood (first pic in the background). The second car is an un-damaged version of the same vehicle. He also provided a picture of some of the rigging around Holder Hall and a shot of Megan chilling in the shade.
Next up is pictures from Mike. He reports seeing Shia, Megan, Ramon, and Isabel all filming on set. As for the pics, they show the area being shot, Shia in the Astra which suggests he is in it when it gets shot up and crashes in a pole and the camera Go-Kart (also seen at Bethlehem) that usually follows the action to get the various needed coverage.
Onward to to BP who also reports seeing the two Astras and the Pursuit Systems Go-Kart. The pictures show the pre-damaged Astra and Megan Fox is she does whatever it she is doing.
Cheeseburger's turn. She provides some close-up eye candy for the guys and girls (depending on your preferences) in the form of Shia Labeouf and Megan Fox. Personally I am not complaining about Megan's outfit.
Last, but not least, is J Fuller. He was once again tapped to be an extra thanks to wearing solid color clothing to help in the blending that background requires. He was with his friend as they walked and talk. The scene, filmed 5-6 times, was of Megan Fox getting out of a taxi cab and collecting her bags from the trunk. He also spotted Shia, and unlike last time, was friendly and spent a good deal of time signing autographs for everyone. Megan did sign 5 but then left. J also learned that they are filming through Wednesday and that all scenes would be "walk & talks" so no Transformer cars are expected. He also learned that the cast is staying at the Princeton Marriot.
Potential Spoilers. The shoot at UPENN and Princeton are two sides of the same coin where, via the magic of editing, will all represent Sam at Princeton for the movie. Obviously something happens though to get Sam from Princeton and on to his next Transformer adventure and Cheeseburger has a theory from the various conversations she has heard on the sets for the last week or so.
The idea is the basic plot for the two shoots is Sam touches a box or some TF object and loses it in the middle of class drawing symbols the same way his great grandpa Witwicky did. This leads him to getting locked up in a prison or insane asylum and needing to get broken out. She also heard references to Megatron's return. Speculate and discuss but remember it is all theory until the movie comes out. The speculation is half the fun anyway (your theory turning out to be right later is the other half :P).
Thanks to JD, Mike, BP, Cheeseburger and J Fuller for their pictures and information.
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