Thursday, 19 June 2008

Front Street Chase Pics

Yesterday I mentioned that filming was done Front Street involving Bumblebee, a green car and an orange car.

Thanks to Aeriobot24, he found the blog eGM CarTech which has photos of the three. Update: The photos on the blog came from Jalopnik via their readers. As the photos below show, the green car is the Chevy Beat from the Smithsonian and the orange or red car is the Chevy Trax concept car.

At this point I am wondering when the Chevy Groove will pop up. I find it probable that the Trax is another Transformer, name unknown. Also I am starting to wonder if this isn't what "The Twins" might become since the green ice cream truck hasn't made any additional appearances or maybe part of a group of TFs similar to the "Seekers" theme for Starscream's group.

I went ahead and updated the TF Cheat Sheet to reflect this new potential Autobot.

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