Friday, 20 June 2008

Eastern State Penitentiary Base Camp

For the last couple of days Transformers 2 production has been prepping Eastern State Penitentiary for a shooting to occur today (that closed the site) and tomorrow that involves at least Shia Labeouf and Megan Fox. "Energonkid" and another source have verified that Girard College Campus is the new base camp for the shoot but its private property so usual law restrictions apply.

Also Energonkid noted some useful observations that may help in working out what is being filmed.
I couldn't get inside the prison, or get any decent pictures but I watched them unload trucks for a while. They were taking in lexan blast shields they put cameras behind when there is an explosion or sparks nearby. It seemed like an awful lot of support trucks. Tons of lighting and rigging. I would bet there will be some effect/pyrotechnics taking place, considering they've been prepping this for three days and the scope of the stuff they are taking in.
Where there are explosions...there are Transformers wrecking havoc.

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